Our work


The involvement and committment in PersonaLAB help to build a new professional way of thinking, based on outcomes, not only on care processes. Each PersonaLab project is organised in three macro steps: 1) preliminary activities, 2) training for developing new methodological competences for supporting the evaluations and 3) direct work for at least 12 months.

Preliminary activites include:

  • knowledge of the local context,
  • analysis and selection of measurement scales and evaluation approach,
  • definition of the protocol,
  • definition of username and password for accessing the web platform called SPweb.


The training is organised in meetings that consider the following themes:

  • The personalised project and the integrated work: meaning, contents and characteristics.
  • The PersonaLAB methodology and its peculiarities.
  • Examples and findings from other Labs.
  • Criteria for a multidimensional assessmetn and the definition of personalised plans.
  • Criteria for measuring and evaluating the outcomes.
  • Training on the SPweb software.
  • A systematic documentation that is shared and multidimensional.
  • Case studies.


During the Lab, professionals learn to implement the protocol in their direct practice with a group of users and describe:

  1. the demand,
  2. the problem,
  3. the care plan,
  4. the interventions,
  5. the evaluation.


Each person included in the PersonaLAB is assessed at T0  (preliminary analysis), ri-assessed at T1 after 3 months and re-assessed at T2 after 3 more months. This phase is monitored with meetings and supported with an on.line monitoring on cases.

At the end of the project, an evaluation of effectivenes (and cost/effectiveness) is completed, woth specific analysis on:

  • polar schemes in different times
  • observable factors in two times (observed and measured)
  • participatory evaluation from all stakeholders
  • outcome description and documentation
  • selection of findings to disseminate

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